Teen and young adult books – 10 most interesting infographics and charts

A round-up of best infographics about teen books and young adult fiction

In this post, you’ll find the best charts and infographics that describe the phenomenon of YA.

In 2013, Allegiant, a long-expected finale of the bestselling YA dystopia Divergent, in the first month of pre-orders outsold on Amazon the third part of the Hunger Games by a factor of five to one.

In 2008 YA readers were asking a popular question: “Which books are similar to The Hunger Games?”

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Today the question is not about which books are similar to Divergent or The Hunger Games. Today there are so many young adult fiction titles, that associating the genre with one book or book series, is nothing more than a mistake.

The infographics shown below will let you learn about the current state of YA fiction, and huge potential behind the genre.

Is this list missing an important chart or infographic? Please suggest it in the comments below. Thanks!

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10 infographics about young adult fiction

1. Young adult dystopias

Young adult dystopias infographic - Feed Me Books Now

Created by the 14-year-old blogger at Feed Me Books Now, this chart analyzes most popular dystopias.

The protagonist is a female, dystopian societies are split into smaller communities (“district”, “faction”), most YA dystopias are trilogies. Is this a rule or just a trend?

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2. 365 days of YA

365 days of YA - Epic Reads' reading calendar

A fantastic reading calendar for every fan of YA. Prepared by Epic Reads, the calendar will help you pick up one young adult fiction book a day.

Follow the link below, and you will be able to see four seasonal breakdowns.

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3. A guide to young adult fiction

A guide to young adult fiction in 2013 infographic

At the beginning of the year, Graham F. Scott developed the infographic that is a quick and easy guide to most important YA publications of 2013.

Release dates (have you missed any?), heroine’s dark secrets, movie adaptations, and total series sales – all in one handy chart.

Graham Scott quotes book industry figures, that clearly show young adult fiction is a hot book genre. “The Association of American Publishers reported that in May 2011 the industry sold US$7 million in YA ebooks. A year later, the monthly figure was US$27 million—a 300% jump.”

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4. Dystopian books seize power

Dystopian books seize power infographic

Made last year by the team from Goodreads, the infographic is still one of the best summaries of the phenomenon of dystopia in literature.

The number of the dystopia-themed books is the highest since the 60s. The Hunger Games, published in 2008 is just a beginning of a long, long list of titles.

The infographic lists most popular dystopian novels, not only the ones for young readers. Each book is described by a set of handy icons (oppressive government, post-apocalypse, romance, biological issues, etc.).

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5. Color distribution of young adult fiction book covers

Color distribution of young adult fiction infographic

This is an outstanding visualization made by YA writer Kate Hart.

Kate gathered more than 900 young adult fiction books released in the United States and researched the color distribution, as well as demographics of the books. You’ll find more charts and an extended analysis in the original post.

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6. Young adult books by the numbers

Young adult books by the numbers #infographic

Prepared by the NY-based independent publisher Blooming Twig, the infographic takes a closer look at the incredible success of the YA genre.

Although since 2009 we observe the renaissance of YA, the history of the genre dates back to the 19th century.

In the infographic, you’ll learn that on average there are over 30,000 YA books published every year. 55% of YA books are purchased by adults.

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7. A flowchart for decoding dystopia

Is it dystopia flowchart

So, how would you describe dystopia? Author Erin Bowman says: “I believe that a true dystopia, at its core, has a lot to do with the main character discovering a fatal flaw in their otherwise perfect society.”

The chart Erin prepared will help decode dystopia. All starts with an essential question: “Are things pretty perfect?”

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8. Young adult fiction – facts and figures

Young adult fiction by the numbers

This chart prepared by New York Books magazine is great to summarize the world of young adult fiction.

Over ten years, between 2002 and 2012, the number of YA titles published in ebook format increased from 143 to 4,370 – over 30 times!

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9. YA books that adults will love

YA books that adults will love, too

Young adult literature is an exciting read also for people well over the age of 18.

This infographic created by Sara Kay Mooney and Marybeth Campeau will guide you through YA books, not only fiction, but also non-fiction, and help pick up the next read.

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10. Sci-fi and fantasy young adult fiction

What should I read next - sci-fi and fantasy YA books

The team from Bookish have created a flowchart that’s helpful not only for YA newbies. It will let you find next books to read if you loved either The Hunger Games or Harry Potter series.

There are 85 titles featured in the visual. Even if you are an avid YA reader, you will still find the book or books you haven’t read yet.

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