Use share menu for translations in book-reading Android apps

Google Translate app logoOnly few book-reading applications offer in-app translation. A noticeable example is Google Play Books, for both Android and iOS.

However, if you own an Android tablet or smartphone, bringing translation to book-reading app is easier than you think.

You just need to:

  • download Google Translate app
  • make sure your book reading app offers sharing option

1. Download Google Translate

Head to Play Store, search for Google Translate and download the app to your device. From now on the app sits in the system share menu. That means that it’s available from any app that gives access to Android default sharing tool.

“Share menu” is a bit misleading. Users think they only can send stuff to social media networks.

In fact, on Android the menu offers much more than that. It should be called “input menu”, as the apps that are included give several ways to manage the input content.

2. Use share menu in your book-reading app

Only few book-reading apps don’t offer share tool. Google Play Books and Kindle are among them.

Majority of book apps, including popular Aldiko or Moon+ Reader, have a sharing tool included right in the pop-up bar.

Translation in book-reading Android apps - screenshot 1

From a drop-down menu select Google Translate and the text is translated instantly. You can not only translate single words, but also passages.

Translation in book-reading Android apps - screenshot 2

I’m an iOS-to-Android switcher and found the back button extremely useful. You can come back to reading a book in just one tap. There is no need (like in iOS) to switch back to reading app via app pool.

If you’re interested in more tips, here are the recent ones:

[ef-archive number=5 tag=”tips” ]


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